Woody Doll - Toy Story, Disney, Mattel, 26cm. Condition: Unboxed, Excellent. Please see the pictures as these form part of the description.
Woodstock Plush Toy - Peanuts, Feature Syndicate Inc, 24cm Tall, 1972. Condition: Unboxed, Fair.
Wish Bear Care Bear Plush Toy - Label has faded but suspect that this is an original 1983/84 Kenner Bear. Condition: Unboxed, Poor with faded label. Please refer to images as these form part of the description.
Winston Zedmore - The Real Ghostbusters, Columbia Pictures, Kenner, 1990, Missing Back Pack Condition: Unboxed, Good
Wicket Ewok Plush Toy - 1983, Kenner, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Episode III Condition: Unboxed, Good (some small holes to cloak)
White Pound Pur-r-rie Newborn, Hornby, 1984 Condition: Excellent, Boxed (Some Minor Damage)
Werewolf - The Real Ghostbusters, Columbia Pictures, Kenner, 1989 Condition: Unboxed, Good
WereBear Growler Plush Toy - Hornby, 1983, George Nicholas Creation Limited, 36cm tall. Condition: Unboxed, Good with working Growler!
Wembley Plush Toy - 50cm Long, Fraggle Rock, 2013, PMS Toys, Jim Henson, Muppet Condition: Unboxed, Excellent
Wedge MIP - Transformers, 2001, missing roof panel Condition: Unboxed, Good